Thursday, March 24, 2011

take the good, forget about the bad......

Yesterday my stress level was high and I was cranky.

I'm going to forget all that and move forward.
The sun is shining, I have a diet mountain dew and the kiddos are in a good mood. 
Parts of yesterday were great......
like hearing Mack (5) say to Josef (6) "Joe, you are not one of my BFF's!"  What? Even 5 year olds talk like this?

And Amelia, " Mommy, Josef just hit me in the nuts!" 
What the what?!?!

Nash consumed a massive amount of goldfish while I tried to keep up with the laundry

Lots of hugs and kisses..............

A little entertainment from Nash (which started when he was watching a video of another baby laughing, it made Nash go a little crazy!)

I hung up my very favorite pictures
"Storms coming"

And we ended the day with everyone's favorite: chocolate malts!

They were awesome, just ask these guys --

Ok, bad parts forgotten.....yesterday rocked!!

And I just entered this giveaway, I love this pretty!

"life is not meant to be easy, my child; but take courage -- it can be delightful"
 ~~ George Bernard Shaw

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